Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Modern Warfare 3: Assailment (PC Community Montage/Frag movie)

Hey what's up everyone? Lately I've been working on a frag movie for MW3 on PC (and released it not too long ago). I'm gonna share some of the techinical stuff if you're interested!

If you're wondering how I recorded all the epic bullet time effects, I utilized the games theater mode and recorded all my footage at 500FPS. If you're wondering how to do so, slow down the timescale to .2 and record your whole clip in 60FPS. What you do then is use a program like virtual dub and export the video in 500FPS and it will speed up the clip to the proper timescale. In the editing software, you are now able to slow down the footage all the way down to 20% speed and still keep it very smooth (since it's still at 60FPS)!

Since all the sounds are off (because MW3's theater doesn't distort the audio as it slows down) I had to record all the gun sounds in a private server and manually insert them. This also sounds great because you won't be getting all the ugly sounds in the background along with the guy on the com spamming you with things like "ENEMY UAV IS ONLINE".

If you're wondering how I managed to get the cinematic pans as the intro/outro (since the PC version of MW3 lacks joystick/360 controller support), I actually borrowed my friend's (Trevor from Trevorsgames) copy of MW3 on PS3 (since he's a console noob =P). I then used my Hauppauge HD PVR to record some cinematic pans via theater mode.

And that's pretty much all there is to know about my montage! The rest were all effects done within the adobe programs I used. Be sure to watch it if you haven't and give it a like/comment! It greatly helps lol :D

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The history of visual effects is rather interesting as we see how it evolved. Starting from very primitive origins, all the way to advanced and sofisticated techniques we now use! We sure have come a long way in the world of cinematography and special effects.

To fully explain the invention of special effects, I have to tell a brief story of which you might enjoy. I will be telling the story of Georges Méliès
                                                picture of Gregor Méliès

There was once a French magician named Georges Méliès who was known to enchant many with his illusions and pure talent for entertainment! However, on 28 December 2895 Méliès was present at the legendary first public screening of the Lumiere Brothers films at the Grand Cafe in Paris. Méliès immediately offered the Lumière brothers 10,000 francs for one of their cameras, which they refused because they believed that cinematography wouldn't have much of a successful future.

An illustration of the premiere for the Lumière Brothers first film

Even after failure to buy a camera from the Lumière brothers, Georges Méliès persistancy kicked in. He immediately began studying the parts of the camera, took parts from his automatons that he created and eventually created his own camera to record film! He then proceeded to create his own film studio and before he knew it, started making his own films in no time!

An image of his recording studio. The walls were glass so they would have the proper lighting for the movies.

We now can explain how visual and special effects were created. Georges Méliès really saw that films had a great future in the fantasy world were dreams could come true! Of course, the only way to achievet his dream was with the help of visual effects. The very first effect edited was a scene where a man would attack a beast in the film, and through a process of editing the film, the beat would dissapear into a cloud of smoke. This was done by recording 2 individual clips, 1 with the beast standing where he was taking the blow, and the next clip had the cloud of smoke appear. Georges Méliès took these 2 clips and manually cut the film and taped it to have it transition smoothly.

An example of the 2 clips he combined to make the special effect

 Georges Méliès and his wife also were one of the first to come up with colored footage. Even though film was no capable of recording any colors, they were still able to create colored film. How you ask? Technically special effects. They did so by manual coloring every single frame. You can also check out the story of  Georges Méliès featured in the film "Hugo"

An image of Adobe After Effects, a program often used to edit special effects

After the turn of the century, programs have come out that are easy to access to the general public where people can create effects just like Georges Méliès with ease! Now, with special effects we can follow Georges Méliès dream and take people to different worlds, different times and give people the fantasy of a lifetime! All thanks to Georges Méliès and his dream of taking films to other worlds with special effects!

A famous image from the film "A Trip to the Moon" 1902

A Trip to the Moon in full color



Monday, March 26, 2012

Welcome to Sir Herg1's video blog!

Well, maybe not only my video blog, rather just my blog in general! Here you will find everything Sir Herg1 :D lol.

As for now, I'm just testing a post to see what's up with this schnize.

My next post will be an assignment for my web design class where I am required to blog about some big invention and give some feedback about it (because my teacher is in China as of now and we need work to do).